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Severe Accident Management Guideline Projects


PWR Owners Group international programs:

  • PSC-1081 “Update of SAMG for International Members” (2012-2013)
  • PSC-1413 “PWROG International Plant SAMG” (2016)


Plant Specific SAMG Implementation Projects:

  • Koeberg (South Africa)
  • Beznau (Switzerland)
  • Krsko (Slovenia)
  • Borssele (Netherlands)
  • Ringhals (Sweden)
  • Extended SAMG for shutdown modes of operation for Koeberg NPP


Technical consulting and Program Reviews:

  • CANDU Owners Group SAMG development
  • Russian developed SAMG at Balakovo
  • Bohunice (Slovakia) VVER-440 SAMG


SAMG Plant Implementation Projects including TSC Training and Planning and Execution of Exercises and Drills:

  • Koeberg
  • Tihange
  • Daya Bay
  • CANDU Owners Group


SAM guideline validation exercises:

  • Krsko (with severe accident simulator)
  • Daya Bay
  • PSC-1413 generic (planned for late 2016)



  • Nuclear Energy Agency, Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, OECD – WGAMA Task Group on Informing Severe Accident Management Guidance and Actions through Analytical Simulations
  • Nuclear Energy Agency, Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, OECD - WGAMA Task Group on Core Exit Temperature (CET) Effectiveness in Accident Management
  • EU FP5 SAMIME concerted action project on approaches to severe accident management.
  • IAEA safety guides (co-author), including Accident Management Program Development and Review of Accident Management Programs (RAMP) 
  • IAEA RAMP missions (detailed IAEA SAMG program review) at Ignalina (Lithuania) and for Karachi (Pakistan)
  • Development and delivery of training courses for plant utilities and for IAEA audiences in field of accident management.